Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to play?

The registration fee is $375 per individual. This covers the cost of your participation in:

  • Draft Night, including food & drinks
  • Tournament play, including ice times, personalized jerseys, sock tape, hockey tape and hydrating drinks
  • Player lounge food & drinks
  • On January 31st, the fee increases to $399.

On May 15th, the fee increases to $450

Because the registration cost represents tangible value received, CRA regulations do not allow us to issue a tax receipt for the fee.

How many players can be on a team?

10 minimum, 17 maximum

Is there a minimum age for participation?

Players must be at least 18 years of age

How much are teams expected to fundraise?

Teams must raise a minimum of $25,000. However if the team is consider a “new” team, the minimum fundraising amount is $15,000 (first year only)

How many games does each team play?

Three in total, usually 2 on Saturday and 1 on Sunday

How many teams play in the tournament?

Usually 18 to 24

Does a team have to be good to play?

No, we do our best to create different "tiers" of ability for the tournament.

Event Information and Tax Receipting:

Leslie Gallacher -